Chris Kubick and Anne Walsh

Chris Kubick and Anne Walsh, both Oakland-based artists, produce sculpture, works on paper, video, video games, audio CDs and sound installations. From 2001 to 2005, their project Art After Death centered on the overlaps of metaphysics and art history. From 2004-2007, they produced works from a massive commercial sound effects library, exploring the rhetorical and sculptural dimensions of these complex cultural archives. In recent video projects, they continue to work with specialist performers and craftspeople to focus on the residue of fantasy left behind at “historical” sites and monuments.

Chris Kubick is a sound designer and lecturer in new media and sound art at U.C. Berkeley. He is also the founder and director of Language Removal Services. Anne Walsh is a contributing editor of X-Tra Art and Culture Quarterly, a blogger for San Francisco MoMA, and is an associate professor of art at U.C. Berkeley.